Day: August 3, 2022

Dalton to Shanty On the Eleven Point River

In the dog days of Summer, all the popular floating rivers in Arkansas tend to dry up and become too low to float. Sometimes we get lucky with some Summer showers. But by July, it is usually hard to find fun rivers that are floatable. However, there are some good solutions to this problem. Dam-fed floats like the lower Ouachita or Little Red River are good options as long as the dams are generating. Spring-fed rivers are an even more reliable option. So this summer, we made a visit to the Ozark foothills of Northeast Arkansas to float Dalton to Shanty on the Eleven Point River. This would be our second visit to the Eleven Point River. Late last Summer, we did the short float that local outfitter, Trukees Canoe and Cabin Rental, calls “The Cruiser”. You can read about that float...

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