Years ago, I had the opportunity to go trail riding at Mack’s Pines on Hwy 7, north of Dover. And let me tell you, we had an absolute blast doing it. That was years before I had learned the lay of the land when it comes to waterfall hikes. So little did I know that day, that the waterfall we stopped to admire on our ride was actually Stave Mill Falls. And because we entered the trail riding area a good bit south of Mack’s Pines, I didn’t realize how close we were to the Moccasin Gap Recreation Area. Nor did I have any idea that it was only a short hike to Stave Mill Falls and Little Oak Falls. Fast forward several years and many dozen trips past Moccasin Gap on Hwy 7. This hike made my to-do list, but kept getting passed over for other hikes I wanted to check off my Tim E...