Author: Scott Hallmark

Hike to Stave Mill Falls and Little Oak Falls

Years ago, I had the opportunity to go trail riding at Mack’s Pines on Hwy 7, north of Dover. And let me tell you, we had an absolute blast doing it. That was years before I had learned the lay of the land when it comes to waterfall hikes. So little did I know that day, that the waterfall we stopped to admire on our ride was actually Stave Mill Falls. And because we entered the trail riding ...

Hike to Devils Canyon Falls

On the rare occasion that I get much further west than the town of Ozark, it’s usually because I’m spending the night somewhere in Northwest Arkansas. It’s a little far for a day trip from Central Arkansas (my home), especially during the short Winter days when I do most of my hiking. So any time I travel to Northwest Arkansas, I try to check one of the waterfall hikes west of Oz...

Hike to Hemmed in Hollow from the Compton Trailhead

In 2020, I made my first visit to Hemmed-in Hollow Falls. Admittedly, I took the short, easy route by making the quick hike from the Buffalo River while on a float trip. I knew about the popular hike to Hemmed in Hollow from the Compton Trailhead, and had heard it was pretty difficult. So after seeing the impressive sight of the falls crashing down into the hollow, I figured I could check this one...

Hiking the Second Route to the Arkansas Sphinx

Some hikes are worth a re-visit. And a second viewing of that iconic monolith perched near the top of Hess Knob – known as the Arkansas Sphinx – is one such hike. There are two hiking routes you can take to the Sphinx. On my first trip there (read here), I opted for the shorter – but much steeper – route from parking area #1. While preparing for that hike, I read an article...

Exploring Bluffton Preserve – A Natural Gem in the Southern Ozarks

Tucked away in a beautiful valley just six miles north of Clinton in the southern Ozarks lies the Bluffton Preserve Nature Area. This is another natural area managed by the Nature Conservancy. Through the help of generous donors, the Nature Conservancy is the same group responsible for bringing us other wonderful recreational areas like Rattlesnake Ridge and Blue Mountain. While exploring Bluffton...

Greer Crossing to Whitten on the Eleven Point River

Every Summer when the temperature rises and the rainfall stops, the hunt for floatable rivers begins. We have had some great floats on dam-fed gems like the Little Red River and Lower Ouachita River. And for the last two Summers, we’ve really enjoyed the spring-fed Eleven Point River near Pocahontas in Northeast Arkansas. But I’ve always heard the Eleven Point is also really nice furth...

Floating War Eagle Creek – Hwy 23 to Hwy 45

The Ozarks, a vast and scenic mountain range stretching across Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, is a paddler’s paradise. With an abundance of options ranging from gentle floats to adrenaline-pumping whitewater, the Ozarks cater to all paddling skill levels. In the Arkansas Ozarks, iconic rivers such as the Buffalo, Kings, and Mulberry garner most of the attention, and rightfully so. But bey...

Hike to Kings River Falls

The Kings River is well-known as a fun and scenic destination for floating and fishing. But it also has plenty to offer in the way of hiking. From its headwaters near the community of Boston, it carves its way north through the Ozark Mountains. Far before this meandering stream reaches the major paddling sections, it tumbles over a massive rock shelf, to create the picturesque Kings River Falls. B...

Floating Rush Landing to the White on the Buffalo River

The Buffalo National River offers a unique wilderness experience for millions of hikers and paddlers every year. This natural playground of the Ozarks attracts visitors from all over to experience the thrill and beauty of its many scenic floats. But for those seeking ultimate tranquility, solitude and stunning scenery, the Lower Buffalo Wilderness offers a true escape. Floating Rush Landing to the...

Hike to Hobo Falls on the OHT

The Ozark Mountains, renowned for their rolling hills, deep valleys, and hidden waterfalls, offer a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Winding through this scenic landscape is the Ozark Highlands Trail (OHT), a designated National Recreation Trail, and a gem of Ozarks. Starting at Lake Fort Smith, this long distance trail winds through the heart of the Ozark National Forest for over 200 miles. This sc...

Hike to Ladderbucket Falls and John Mountain Falls

Tucked away in the rolling hills and verdant valleys of the southern Ozarks, lies a tiny mountaintop community aptly named Lost Corner. As it’s name implies, it is an area that many people don’t know much about, if they even know it exists at all. You will not find any stores, shops, restaurants, or many signs of civilization at Lost Corner. But what you will find is a remote wildernes...

The Arkansas Sphinx: A Natural Wonder in the Ozarks

Nestled in the heart of the Ozark Mountains, lies a natural wonder known locally as the Arkansas Sphinx. This sandstone monolith rises 20 feet above its perch near the top of Hess Knob. Its profile bears a resemblance to the iconic sphinx of ancient Egypt. Measuring approximately 20-30 feet tall and just as wide, the Arkansas Sphinx is believed to have been formed over millions of years through er...

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