Author: Scott Hallmark

Remote Designs 60L Submersible Duffel Product Review

I recently had a request to occasionally talk about outdoor gear that I recommend. So I thought I would take a break from writing about hiking and kayaking to do a product review. The timing is great because I have been looking into some new float gear lately. Specifically, I’ve been looking at extra large dry bags to replace my current backpack set-up for overnight floats. So when I got the...

Baker Ford to Tyler Bend on the Buffalo River

I once wrote that Tyler Bend to Gilbert on the Buffalo River is my top recommendation for beginner paddlers. I think it still is. But Baker Ford to Tyler Bend comes in a close second in that category. This short section of the Buffalo is a perfect lazy river float for a beginner to get a taste of Ozark paddling. With no dangerous rapids, the steady current carries floaters downriver without too mu...

Harris Creek Trail Hike at the Cossatot River

I spent most of my adult life thinking the Cossatot River was so far away from my home in Central Arkansas. I also spent most of that time thinking that Cossatot River State Park was only a destination for whitewater paddlers. It turns out that neither of those things are true, as I found out in 2021. In my first visit to the park, I went to Cossatot Falls to watch the kayakers take on the Class I...

Native American Falls Hike Near Sand Gap

I have written several articles recently about some of the hiking gems that can be found along AR Hwy 7. Waterfall hikes like Fern Falls, Hudson Shelter Falls, and Lonesome Hollow are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more of those yet to go. Some of them are longer hikes, some are more difficult bushwhacks, and some are further off Hwy 7. I’ll try to eventually...

Easy Bushwhack Hike to Lonesome Hollow Falls

In my last article I described how AR Hwy 7 is the road to so many treasures in the Ozarks. In case you missed it, you can catch up on that one here. Yes, Scenic Hwy 7 between Dover and Harrison, and the many roads that intersect it, lead to a myriad of great hikes. There are long hikes, short hikes, difficult hikes, easy ones, and everything in between. As you travel along this highway, you’...

Hike to Hudson Shelter Falls

It was a random Sunday drive up Hwy 7 into the Ozarks years ago where I unexpectedly found my future playground. Little did I know at the time that a visit to Haw Creek Falls would lead to this rabbit hole of adventures that I’ll likely never find the end of. Haw Creek would lead to Pack Rat Falls and Pam’s Grotto. And then across Hwy 7, I would find Kings Bluff and Pedestal Rocks, whi...

Flatside Pinnacle (and Brown Creek Cascade)

When it comes to good places to see Fall colors in Arkansas, I have a short list of locations that immediately come to mind. First, it is really hard to beat Sam’s Throne this time of year – both the drive and the short hike. Next, for hiking to see Fall colors, I really like Buzzards Roost a lot. Those two locations are up in the Ozarks near Mt. Judea and Sand Gap. For people near Cen...

Floating the Illinois River in NE Oklahoma

AR Own Backyard is an Arkansas Outdoors site, so I try to keep the subject matter limited to Arkansas destinations. But the “Backyard” part is subjective, right? Crossing an hour over state lines still counts as our backyard, doesn’t it? Well, when you want to float during dry season, you do what you have to do. So mid-September of 2022 we crossed the state line to try floating t...

Mountain Biking at Hobbs State Park

Here in Arkansas, we are fortunate to have some truly awesome State Parks. Most of them are located near lakes, rivers, or mountains offering a wide variety of outdoor recreation. Most of the State Parks have at least a few hiking trails, and some of them also have mountain bike trails. If you’re a mountain biker, there are four State Parks that should be on your favorites lists. They are th...

Swinging Bridge to Lobo Landing on the Little Red River

Another hot dry Arkansas summer has once again forced me to look for some new paddling alternatives. (New to me, that is). There are some good dry season float alternatives out there, and I have been able to check several of them off my list. Most recently, we visited Heber Springs to float Swinging Bridge to Lobo Landing on the Little Red River. The Little Red had been on my float list for quite ...

Dalton to Shanty On the Eleven Point River

In the dog days of Summer, all the popular floating rivers in Arkansas tend to dry up and become too low to float. Sometimes we get lucky with some Summer showers. But by July, it is usually hard to find fun rivers that are floatable. However, there are some good solutions to this problem. Dam-fed floats like the lower Ouachita or Little Red River are good options as long as the dams are generatin...

Maumee to Rush on the Buffalo River – An Overnight Float

One of my favorite ways to experience the rivers in Arkansas is with an overnight float trip. I’ve done several of these, and my most recent overnighter was South Maumee to Rush on the Buffalo River. All of the lands bordering the Buffalo River are public lands owned by the National Park Service. This makes the Buffalo one of the few rivers in Arkansas where you can camp almost anywhere alon...

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