Author: Travis Howk

Bushwhack to Ladderbucket Falls

Hello again everyone! Travis here, back with another tale from the trails. While I rarely have the opportunity to hike during weekdays, I’d taken this past Wednesday off to celebrate my younger brother’s birthday. We share a deep fondness for the outdoors, so it’s only natural we’d celebrate with a hike. He selected a Bushwhack to Ladderbucket Falls from Tim Ernst’s &...

Bushwhack to Greasy Creek Falls

Hello everyone! My name is Travis, and I’m a new member of the AROwnBackyard team. I’ll be sharing tales of trails around Arkansas to help all of you discover your next outdoor adventure. This past week, I undertook a bushwhack to Greasy Creek Falls, as well as several of its waterfall friends in the nearby area! One of my dear friends, Gez Rogers of Waterfalls in Arkansas, has compile...

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