
AR Own Backyard BLOG

Hike to Pedestal Rocks

Well, here we are in the middle of Summer – the dog days. Most of the rivers are really low for floating. Most of the waterfalls are just a trickle, if no...[Read More]

Floating and Fishing on the Upper Ouachita

For the past two summers, I have joined up with my paddling friends in Hot Springs to go floating and fishing on the Upper Ouachita River. I have written about ...[Read More]

Woolum to Baker Ford Float on the Buffalo

I’m kind of a creature of habit. I have a lot of my favorite floats that I try to do every year. The down side to that is I’ve missed out on a lot o...[Read More]

Floating the Little Missouri from the Narrows Dam

We have reached that part of the Summer where floatable rivers can be a little hard to find. Outside of the lower Buffalo and a few others, most of the popular ...[Read More]

Tyler Bend to Gilbert Float on the Buffalo River

I have seen a lot of requests lately asking what is the best float for beginners. I have seen this asked in various social media groups and been asked several t...[Read More]

Floating Byrd’s to Turner Bend on the Mulberry River

There is a general rule of thumb for floating the Mulberry. The deeper we get into summer, the further downriver we have to start our float. Occasionally we wil...[Read More]

Hike to Terry Keefe Falls

With the recent rain, the next few days will be a great time to see some waterfalls in Arkansas. I have written before about the many options along Falling Wate...[Read More]

Hemmed in Hollow Falls Via the Buffalo River

Did you know that the highest waterfall between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains is located right here in Arkansas? Yep, that’s right. Hemmed in H...[Read More]

Helton’s Farm to Long Pool on Big Piney Creek

A lot of people know about the extreme paddling of the Cossatot River in the Ouachita Mountains of western Arkansas. But did you know you can go whitewater raft...[Read More]

Overnight Float on the Buffalo River – Pruitt to Carver

The Buffalo River will be open again for camping effective May 29, 2020. This is great news for the paddling community! But you can rest assured that the campgr...[Read More]

Floating High Bank to Byrd’s on the Mulberry River

We are over halfway through May, and the window to consistently float the upper end of most rivers will be closing soon. Last week, I wrote about floating Ponca...[Read More]

Floating Ponca to Kyle’s Landing on the Buffalo River

Float season is fully underway in the Natural State. If you’re a paddler and haven’t been on at least one float yet, you have really missed out. The...[Read More]

Six Finger Falls and Fuzzy Butt Falls

Falling Water Road near Ben Hur is home to many popular Ozark waterfalls. Some of them require a short, easy hike to see. Some of them are longer, tougher hikes...[Read More]

Hike to Sandstone Castles

I recently made the hike to Sandstone Castles, but I have to admit I had never heard of it until this year. Some friends and I were planning an overnight hike t...[Read More]

Richland Falls and Twin Falls Hike

There are several hikes in the state that have eluded me for years, for one reason or another. Trying to coordinate with friends, busy schedules, weather, float...[Read More]

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