
Hemmed in Hollow Falls Via the Buffalo River

Did you know that the highest waterfall between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains is located right here in Arkansas? Yep, that’s right. Hemmed in Hollow, located on the Buffalo National River, is 209 feet tall. That makes it the highest waterfall in Mid-America, according the National Park Service. From the regular trail head it’s a pretty tough hike. It starts in the hills above the top of the falls and ends at the bottom of the falls. So the steep uphill hike out of there is the difficult part. But for anyone that’s physically unable to do this hike, I have good news. You can access Hemmed in Hollow Falls via the Buffalo River and it’s a very short, easy hike. OK, so if you thought I was going to tell you about some special elevator, zip line or something, ...

Overnight Float on the Buffalo River – Pruitt to Carver

The Buffalo River will be open again for camping effective May 29, 2020. This is great news for the paddling community! But you can rest assured that the campgrounds around the Buffalo will be full this weekend. Even if you can get a spot, if you’re concerned about social distancing, that might be kind of difficult in the campgrounds. Have you ever considered an overnight camping float on the Buffalo River? There are miles and miles of gravel bars to camp on, far away from anyone else. Packing your gear can be tricky. But once you’re packed and on the water, you’re free to stop wherever you want to spend the night. No schedule, no late pickups. You get your choice of the perfect riverbank to camp on, most of which are nicer than the campgrounds! My first overnight float o...

Floating Ponca to Kyle’s Landing on the Buffalo River

Float season is fully underway in the Natural State. If you’re a paddler and haven’t been on at least one float yet, you have really missed out. The Caddo and Mulberry have been awesome. I’ve done those while the Buffalo has been closed. But great news – the Buffalo opens back up this weekend!!! So it’s time to start planning those float trips on the Buffalo. And this time of year, floating Ponca to Kyle’s Landing on the Buffalo River should be at the top of your list. Some will say that float season is year-round. I’ve always chosen to hike in the winter and float in the Spring and Summer. But I’m getting more interested in Fall/Winter floating. The water is often better. And frankly, I start to miss my kayak. Regardless of when you prefer t...

High-water float on the Buffalo River – Pruitt to Hasty

All of this rain recently has me thinking back to the summer of 2015 when a group of friends and I got to experience a rare high-water float on the Buffalo River. I say “rare” because it was in the middle of summer. It was the 4th of July to be exact. Anyone that has ever floated the Buffalo at that time of year knows the water is usually too low to float without a lot of dragging and paddling. But this time the water was so high we almost didn’t get to float at all. We had just had a heavy rain the day before we set up camp at Tyler Bend Campground. We planned to float from Baker Ford to Tyler Bend the next day. That evening our outfitter informed us that the river was over 12 feet. If it did not go down overnight, we would not be allowed to get on the water the next day...

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