
Floating the Illinois River in NE Oklahoma

AR Own Backyard is an Arkansas Outdoors site, so I try to keep the subject matter limited to Arkansas destinations. But the “Backyard” part is subjective, right? Crossing an hour over state lines still counts as our backyard, doesn’t it? Well, when you want to float during dry season, you do what you have to do. So mid-September of 2022 we crossed the state line to try floating the Illinois River in NE Oklahoma. The Illinois River is a spring-fed river that starts in Arkansas and flows into Oklahoma. In addition to the Spring and Eleven Point Rivers, it’s one of the few spring-fed options we have. And it’s the only one I had not floated yet. So why Oklahoma? Simply because that’s where my crew wanted to go and they planned the trip. But I’m glad we...

Swinging Bridge to Lobo Landing on the Little Red River

Another hot dry Arkansas summer has once again forced me to look for some new paddling alternatives. (New to me, that is). There are some good dry season float alternatives out there, and I have been able to check several of them off my list. Most recently, we visited Heber Springs to float Swinging Bridge to Lobo Landing on the Little Red River. The Little Red had been on my float list for quite a while, and it did not disappoint. In the hottest, driest part of Summer, this float is really hard to beat. This section of the Little Red River is below the dam that creates Greers Ferry Lake. I’ve done some other dam-fed floats before such as the Little Missouri and the lower Ouachita River . Those are great dry season options too. But Swinging Bridge to Lobo Landing on the Little Red Ri...

Dalton to Shanty On the Eleven Point River

In the dog days of Summer, all the popular floating rivers in Arkansas tend to dry up and become too low to float. Sometimes we get lucky with some Summer showers. But by July, it is usually hard to find fun rivers that are floatable. However, there are some good solutions to this problem. Dam-fed floats like the lower Ouachita or Little Red River are good options as long as the dams are generating. Spring-fed rivers are an even more reliable option. So this summer, we made a visit to the Ozark foothills of Northeast Arkansas to float Dalton to Shanty on the Eleven Point River. This would be our second visit to the Eleven Point River. Late last Summer, we did the short float that local outfitter, Trukees Canoe and Cabin Rental, calls “The Cruiser”. You can read about that float...

Middle Fork Little Red River Float

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my first time to float the Cove Creek run on Cadron Creek. It was not the first new float for me this year. Actually, all my floats this year have been new ones for me. One of the latest was in June, where we floated the Middle Fork Little Red River. This is a float that I’ve had my eye on for a while. For me, the first challenge is finding a weekend when my float friends are free to do a new float. But the biggest challenge for this river is hitting it at just the right level. And boy did we! For this trip, we lucked out getting the perfect water level on a day we could go. More on that later. We shuttled with Little Red River Outfitters* to do the 10-mile float from Lydalisk to Shirley. Let me just tell you, this float is a hidden gem that is not...

Floating the Cove Creek run on Cadron Creek

The 2021 float season has been a good one so far. Planning has been a challenge at times but I’ve managed to paddle a lot of new water this year. This Spring, I made my first floats down Kyle’s Landing to Ozark on the Buffalo, and Norman to Caddo Gap on the Caddo River. And in May I finally got to float the Cove Creek run on Cadron Creek. (This is Hwy 65 to Hwy 285). This one had been on my list for a while since floating the section upriver from it many years ago. I’ve always heard this is a nice float, but the scenery and the river completely exceeded my expectations that day. Floating the Cove Creek run on Cadron Creek is really convenient for folks in Central Arkansas and the Ozark foothills. It’s only a half hour north of Conway and easy to self-shuttle. I̵...

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