
Easy Bushwhack Hike to Lonesome Hollow Falls

In my last article I described how AR Hwy 7 is the road to so many treasures in the Ozarks. In case you missed it, you can catch up on that one here. Yes, Scenic Hwy 7 between Dover and Harrison, and the many roads that intersect it, lead to a myriad of great hikes. There are long hikes, short hikes, difficult hikes, easy ones, and everything in between. As you travel along this highway, you’ll likely pass right by many of these adventures and not even realize it. That was certainly true for me. So in the Fall of 2022, I caught up with a few of these by hiking to Fern Falls and Hudson Shelter Falls. And finally, I made the easy bushwhack hike to Lonesome Hollow Falls Along the same road as Lonesome Hollow Falls lies a bushwhack hike along Cub Creek with multiple waterfalls. And to th...

Hike to Hudson Shelter Falls

It was a random Sunday drive up Hwy 7 into the Ozarks years ago where I unexpectedly found my future playground. Little did I know at the time that a visit to Haw Creek Falls would lead to this rabbit hole of adventures that I’ll likely never find the end of. Haw Creek would lead to Pack Rat Falls and Pam’s Grotto. And then across Hwy 7, I would find Kings Bluff and Pedestal Rocks, which would lead me to Falling Water Creek. And from that point, I was hooked. Oh I had done some mountain biking, some paddling, and your basic State Park hikes. But nothing like the Ozark gems I would find all up and down Hwy 7, and eventually all across the state. Since that day, I’ve travelled along this highway countless times, often not knowing what other gems I was passing right by. One ...

Hike to Fern Falls

The beginning of waterfall season can be a little hit-and-miss sometimes. I guess the dry ground in the Fall soaks up all the rainfall before it can drain off. There have been several Autumn hikes I’ve done right after a rain, only to reach a waterfall that’s dry or barely running. (Like the first time I hiked to Magnolia Falls). Because of this, I tend to save the longer or more difficult hikes for late Winter/early Spring, when I know the falls will be running strong. Early in the season, I’ll “test the waters” with some shorter hikes. So if I strike out, oh well – at least it was a short hike! This year, I started waterfall season off with a hike to Fern Falls in the Ozarks. Fern Falls is a pretty well-known waterfall that gets a decent amount of visi...

Hike to Big Creek Cave Falls and Wolf Creek Cave Falls

One of my favorite things about hiking with friends is seeing their reaction to some of the amazing sights in our beautiful state. Often times I’ll hike alone – intentionally – for my own mental health and to disconnect from everything. But other times, I like to have a hiking partner. This is especially true for more remote or difficult hikes where I’m not completely sure what to expect. So for a recent hike to Big Creek Cave Falls, I invited my long-time friend Neil Webb. Not because this hike is difficult, but because it is kind of remote. I wasn’t completely sure what to expect, but it ended up being a much easier hike than I thought. Some of my hiking partners are used to seeing places like this. Others have done some of the basic popular hikes like Cedar...

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