
Hike to Kings River Falls

The Kings River is well-known as a fun and scenic destination for floating and fishing. But it also has plenty to offer in the way of hiking. From its headwaters near the community of Boston, it carves its way north through the Ozark Mountains. Far before this meandering stream reaches the major paddling sections, it tumbles over a massive rock shelf, to create the picturesque Kings River Falls. But this isn’t just any run-of-the-mill waterfall in a stream. The rocky shores around the waterfall help form a deep pool, perfect for a cool refreshing dip on a hot day. The hike to Kings River Falls is indeed more than a standard waterfall hike – it’s a trip to an Ozark swimming hole and natural oasis. Quick Glance Distance: Approximately 1.5 miles out and back Difficulty: Very...

Hiking Cossatot Falls

Because we have so many fantastic State Parks in Arkansas, I think some of them don’t quite get the attention they deserve. We are truly fortunate here to have such amazing State Parks like Petit Jean , Devil’s Den, Mt Magazine, Mt. Nebo, Hobbs, and others. While those parks tend to draw the most visitors, others, like Cossatot State Park, sometimes get lost in the shuffle. And if you’ve never been hiking Cossatot Falls at Cossatot River State Park, you’re missing out on one of the most impressive natural sights in the state. When most people think of the word “Cossatot”, they think of the Cossatot River and it’s Class IV whitewater sections. Most people – including me – are not equipped or skilled enough to paddle these sections, so th...

Hike to Hudson Shelter Falls

It was a random Sunday drive up Hwy 7 into the Ozarks years ago where I unexpectedly found my future playground. Little did I know at the time that a visit to Haw Creek Falls would lead to this rabbit hole of adventures that I’ll likely never find the end of. Haw Creek would lead to Pack Rat Falls and Pam’s Grotto. And then across Hwy 7, I would find Kings Bluff and Pedestal Rocks, which would lead me to Falling Water Creek. And from that point, I was hooked. Oh I had done some mountain biking, some paddling, and your basic State Park hikes. But nothing like the Ozark gems I would find all up and down Hwy 7, and eventually all across the state. Since that day, I’ve travelled along this highway countless times, often not knowing what other gems I was passing right by. One ...

Hike to Fern Falls

The beginning of waterfall season can be a little hit-and-miss sometimes. I guess the dry ground in the Fall soaks up all the rainfall before it can drain off. There have been several Autumn hikes I’ve done right after a rain, only to reach a waterfall that’s dry or barely running. (Like the first time I hiked to Magnolia Falls). Because of this, I tend to save the longer or more difficult hikes for late Winter/early Spring, when I know the falls will be running strong. Early in the season, I’ll “test the waters” with some shorter hikes. So if I strike out, oh well – at least it was a short hike! This year, I started waterfall season off with a hike to Fern Falls in the Ozarks. Fern Falls is a pretty well-known waterfall that gets a decent amount of visi...

Flatside Pinnacle (and Brown Creek Cascade)

When it comes to good places to see Fall colors in Arkansas, I have a short list of locations that immediately come to mind. First, it is really hard to beat Sam’s Throne this time of year – both the drive and the short hike. Next, for hiking to see Fall colors, I really like Buzzards Roost a lot. Those two locations are up in the Ozarks near Mt. Judea and Sand Gap. For people near Central Arkansas that want something closer, one of my best recommendations is a drive to Flatside Pinnacle. And if there has been any recent rain, maybe add a stop at Brown Creek Cascade. The Flatside Pinnacle Vista is located in the Flatside Wilderness area in the easternmost part of the Ouachita Mountains. This vast wilderness area consists of 10,000 acres to the west of Lake Maumelle, and east of...

Hike to Big Creek Cave Falls and Wolf Creek Cave Falls

One of my favorite things about hiking with friends is seeing their reaction to some of the amazing sights in our beautiful state. Often times I’ll hike alone – intentionally – for my own mental health and to disconnect from everything. But other times, I like to have a hiking partner. This is especially true for more remote or difficult hikes where I’m not completely sure what to expect. So for a recent hike to Big Creek Cave Falls, I invited my long-time friend Neil Webb. Not because this hike is difficult, but because it is kind of remote. I wasn’t completely sure what to expect, but it ended up being a much easier hike than I thought. Some of my hiking partners are used to seeing places like this. Others have done some of the basic popular hikes like Cedar...

Hiking the Kings Bluff Loop

Sometimes you just need a do-over. The third article I ever wrote for my blog was for a hike to Kings Bluff Falls. I did that hike years before I ever knew I would have an outdoors blog. I didn’t research the hike or even really know what to expect. We just showed up and hiked to the falls and back, not even knowing what else was out there. That was the case for several of my early articles, but this one only had a few pictures and no video! There’s so much more to hiking the Kings Bluff Loop than I covered the first time. So I think this hike deserves a do-over. After that first visit, I made a return trip there and hiked the Pedestal Rocks Loop. Both hikes are really one big loop, but you can hike them separately. The rock formations at Pedestal Rocks are amazing. It wasnR...

Round Top Mountain Hiking Trails

There are many hikes in Arkansas that are better at certain times than others.  And when you can’t do those, you need a backup plan. I have a list of hikes that I have been saving for times when rivers and waterfalls are dry. These are my “Plan B” hikes. Not because they are not good hikes, but because they can be done at any time.  Hikes like Centerpoint/Goat Trail to Big Bluff  or  the Mt. Nebo Rim Trail  for example.  The latest Plan B hike I’ve checked off my list was a visit to Round Top Mountain hiking trails. I have passed by Round Top Mountain dozens of times on my way to Jasper or the Upper Buffalo River area. This Fall I finally had a good chance to stop in and hike it. I had been out waterfall hunting up Hwy 7 right after a rain. And after striking out on...

Horsetail Falls off Falling Water Creek

If you hunt enough waterfalls in Arkansas, you will eventually miss one that’s close to an area you’ve already hiked. I like to cover as much as I can in each hiking trip and article. So when I miss a cool feature on a hike, it’s pretty common for me to go back and do it again. One area that I’ve recently revisited for this exact reason is Horsetail Falls off Falling Water Creek. I did an article last year on Six Finger Falls and Fuzzy Butt Falls. On that hike, I accessed Fuzzy Butt Falls by crossing Falling Water Creek at Six Fingers. I knew the trail went back upstream to the bridge crossing Falling Water Creek. But what I didn’t know was that the trail takes you right by Horsetail Falls! I had heard of Horsetail Falls before but had never looked it up. So I...

Hike to Schoolhouse Falls near Lost Corner

I love finding new areas to hike that I’m completely unfamiliar with. They offer brand new sights, new mountains, streams, waterfalls, and trails. For me it’s the same excitement as taking a vacation to a new but popular place. You don’t know exactly what to expect, but you know you’re going to enjoy it. Even though I’ve explored quite a bit of Arkansas, this still continues to happen (which is a good thing!). The latest example is an area of the Big Piney Forest I’ve been exploring lately, just east of Hector. And my first visit to this area included a quick hike to Schoolhouse Falls. Yes, I realize a lot of people know about this area and hike it regularly. But for some reason, I’ve skipped right over it for years on my way to areas northwest of ...

Forked Mountain Falls in the Flatside Wilderness

In the northeast corner of the Ouachita Mountain region lies the Flatside Wilderness area. It is an area that’s relatively less explored and often overlooked. I think this may be because exploring this area requires a LOT of dirt road driving, which may turn some folks away. Personally, I like driving those dirt roads. I think another reason is that people mostly hear about the beautiful scenery and waterfalls in the Ozarks, because it’s the most popular area. Hey, I get it – the Ozarks are still my favorite too. But there is also great scenery – including waterfalls – in the Ouachitas. One of those is Forked Mountain Falls in the Flatside Wilderness area. Forked Mountain can be seen from many different places while driving through the Flatside Wilderness area...

Sweden Creek Falls Hike in the Ozarks

For my first hike of the year I continued on my quest to hike all the major waterfalls in the Upper Buffalo River area. I decided to start the year off with the Sweden Creek Falls hike since it had been on my list for a while. And the conditions were perfect for a waterfall hike that day. The Kingston area had gotten some rain for several days before, and even some snow. On the day of my hike, the sun was out in full to warm things up to the mid-40’s. This meant there should be plenty of water in the falls from the snow-melt and previous rain. Full sun and water in the falls? I couldn’t ask for better conditions, especially for this hike. Driving up Hwy 21 from Clarksville to Boxley, I was pleased to see there was still a light dusting of snow on the ground. I haven’t see...

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