
Hiking to Eden Falls at Lost Valley

December. It’s that time of year when most folks aren’t thinking about getting out for a hike. There’s Christmas shopping to do and parties to attend. And for a lot of people, it’s just too damn cold out there! Or is it? Although I’m really not a cold-weather person, some of my favorite hikes have been in the winter. I learned this years ago while hiking to Eden Falls at Lost Valley. It was 3 days before New Years. I had some time off from work and really needed some nature therapy. But…it was 28 degrees outside! If you know me, you know that I despise Winter. Hate it. I’m a warm-weather person all the way. But I reeeeally needed to get outside. So I layered up, packed water and lunch, and hit the road. The plan: Drive to Ponca and hike whatever I ...

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