I’m kind of a creature of habit. I have a lot of my favorite floats that I try to do every year. The down side to that is I’ve missed out on a lot of other great floats. You can only do so many per year! So I’m doing more new (to me)floats this year. And a few weeks ago I did the Woolum to Baker Ford float on the Buffalo in my quest to cover all sections of the river. I have floated sections all around this one, but just never got around to hitting Woolum. So my buddy Eric and I loaded our trucks and planned a self-shuttle float to cross this one off the list. This float can be hit and miss by mid-summer. It may be too low one day, but with a little rain it can be fine. Before going, check the river level at American Whitewater or on the RiverApp. I tend to check both. Bu...
I have seen a lot of requests lately asking what is the best float for beginners. I have seen this asked in various social media groups and been asked several times directly. There are a lot of great floats in our state that are great for beginners. And maybe one day I’ll devote a whole article to that list. But there’s one float that comes to mind that I recommend more than any other. The Tyler Bend to Gilbert float on the Buffalo River is, in my opinion, the best float for a first time or novice paddler. Why is that? I’m glad you asked. It’s a combination of several reasons. First, it’s an easy float that is safe for beginners. But it also has beautiful scenery, and enough swift water to make it fun. Next, it’s location makes it the quickest on the Buf...