
Native American Falls Hike Near Sand Gap

I have written several articles recently about some of the hiking gems that can be found along AR Hwy 7. Waterfall hikes like Fern Falls, Hudson Shelter Falls, and Lonesome Hollow are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more of those yet to go. Some of them are longer hikes, some are more difficult bushwhacks, and some are further off Hwy 7. I’ll try to eventually include as many as I can here. As for the more popular hikes closer to Hwy 7, the next on our list is the Native American Falls hike near Sand Gap. Much like Fern Falls, the parking location for Native American Falls is right on Hwy 7. There are no gravel roads to travel or complicated directions. It’s simply a dirt parking area off the highway, just south of the Hwy 16 intersection at Sand...

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