
Floating North Sylamore Creek – Blanchard Springs to White River

One of my favorite things about doing a new hike, bike, or float is the surprise element. And the best surprise is when I finish it and have a new favorite. Floating North Sylamore Creek from Blanchard Springs to the White River was one of those occasions. I’m not saying it is my number one favorite, but it definitely lands securely in my top five. I knew it would be pretty good, but I had no idea of what this river really had in store for us. To say that I was pleasantly surprised would be a massive understatement. Floating North Sylamore Creek has been on my to-do list for quite some time. The problem is that it’s not an easy float to plan for. This creek drains really fast, so you have to hit it at just the right time to have a good float. Since I mostly have to float on the...

Marble to Marshall Ford on the Kings River

We are so fortunate here in Arkansas to have so many beautiful rivers to float, fish, and hike on. If your goal is to float them all, it can take a while to get to some of them. Especially when you have some favorite floats that are hard to stray from! The Kings River is one that’s been on my list for a while. But due to distance (and competing rivers), it has eluded my paddle for years. So this year, I made the Kings River my top priority. But my buddies and I weren’t satisfied with just any section of the river. We wanted the best water and most scenic. So my 2022 float season started with a float from Marble to Marshall Ford on the Kings River I recruited two of my best buddies, Eric and Neil to join me on this one. We were going to camp, but with rain in the forecast that S...

Floating the Eleven Point River in Arkansas

July and August in Arkansas can be brutally dry sometimes. And that makes it really tough for river floating around here.  2021 Summer was especially bad, with the dry season extending well into late September.  We can usually find a dam-fed river to float, but even some of those have been generating less water lately. So what does that leave us with?  Spring-fed rivers. There is the Spring River near Hardy.  It’s a fun river if you like to party, but it does get really crowded and rowdy on the weekends.  I actually like the river, but I’m over the crowds there. A while back my brother asked me, what about floating the Eleven Point River in Arkansas? The Eleven Point?  In Arkansas? Maybe I’m the only one, but until recently, I didn’...

Middle Fork Little Red River Float

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my first time to float the Cove Creek run on Cadron Creek. It was not the first new float for me this year. Actually, all my floats this year have been new ones for me. One of the latest was in June, where we floated the Middle Fork Little Red River. This is a float that I’ve had my eye on for a while. For me, the first challenge is finding a weekend when my float friends are free to do a new float. But the biggest challenge for this river is hitting it at just the right level. And boy did we! For this trip, we lucked out getting the perfect water level on a day we could go. More on that later. We shuttled with Little Red River Outfitters* to do the 10-mile float from Lydalisk to Shirley. Let me just tell you, this float is a hidden gem that is not...

Floating the Cove Creek run on Cadron Creek

The 2021 float season has been a good one so far. Planning has been a challenge at times but I’ve managed to paddle a lot of new water this year. This Spring, I made my first floats down Kyle’s Landing to Ozark on the Buffalo, and Norman to Caddo Gap on the Caddo River. And in May I finally got to float the Cove Creek run on Cadron Creek. (This is Hwy 65 to Hwy 285). This one had been on my list for a while since floating the section upriver from it many years ago. I’ve always heard this is a nice float, but the scenery and the river completely exceeded my expectations that day. Floating the Cove Creek run on Cadron Creek is really convenient for folks in Central Arkansas and the Ozark foothills. It’s only a half hour north of Conway and easy to self-shuttle. I̵...

Norman to Caddo Gap on the Caddo River

The 2021 Spring has been a crazy float season in Arkansas so far. The rain has been even more unpredictable than usual. I’ve cancelled more floats this year than ever due to water being either too high or too low because of the crazy rain. We’ve even had some cold weather all the way into mid-May! This can be frustrating, but it also presents opportunities to float sections of rivers that are rarely floatable. One of those sections I finally got to float this Spring was Norman to Caddo Gap on the Caddo River. I have made countless Caddo floats from Caddo Gap down to Glenwood.. And it’s till my favorite float on the Caddo so far. But I like to float as many different sections of rivers as I can. So when Norman to Caddo Gap on the Caddo River was finally floatable on a day ...

Floating Kyle’s Landing to Ozark on the Buffalo River

Spring is here and it’s time to float the upper portion of your favorite rivers. This year, my first float trip was Kyle’s Landing to Ozark on the Buffalo River. I usually make it a point to float Ponca to Kyle’s Landing every year. But I’m on a mission to float all the sections of the Buffalo I haven’t done yet, along with some new rivers. So floating this section on the Upper Buffalo was a top priority. It will likely be too low to float by mid-June, so you’ve got to get it while you can! We had a perfect Saturday for floating the last weekend of March. The area had gotten some good rain that week and the river was really high that Friday. But the Upper Buffalo drains off quickly, and by Saturday the water level was just right. Combine that with a sunn...

Wolf Pen to Byrd’s on the Mulberry River

Folks, we have had some really good (and rare) late-summer floating opportunities this year. I have written several times about taking advantage of the prime floating conditions of Spring and early Summer. One of the spots this really applies to is the run from Wolf Pen to Byrd’s on the Mulberry River. I missed my chance early in the summer. But thanks to all the rain from the hurricanes, I got a rare late-summer chance to float this section of river on Labor Day weekend. I have stated in a previous article that High Bank to Byrd’s was one of my favorite floats in the state. Well, I’m adding 4 miles to that run and saying Wolf Pen to Byrd’s is now one of my favorites! Not only did we catch it when it was runnable – it was actually high. If you’re lucky e...

Floating and Fishing on the Upper Ouachita

For the past two summers, I have joined up with my paddling friends in Hot Springs to go floating and fishing on the Upper Ouachita River. I have written about floating the Lower Ouachita before. Even though this is the same river, it’s an entirely different float. What I call the Lower Ouachita runs from out of Lake Catherine down to Malvern and beyond. But what I call the Upper Ouachita is the western portion of that same river, running into Lake Ouachita. The Upper Ouachita is very different from the Lower because it is not fed by a lake. So the water level gets pretty low. I really don’t recommend this river in mid-summer for anyone looking for a fun float with good flow. But I DO recommend it for anyone looking for a place to float and fish. It is great river to catch some...

Woolum to Baker Ford Float on the Buffalo

I’m kind of a creature of habit. I have a lot of my favorite floats that I try to do every year. The down side to that is I’ve missed out on a lot of other great floats. You can only do so many per year! So I’m doing more new (to me)floats this year. And a few weeks ago I did the Woolum to Baker Ford float on the Buffalo in my quest to cover all sections of the river. I have floated sections all around this one, but just never got around to hitting Woolum. So my buddy Eric and I loaded our trucks and planned a self-shuttle float to cross this one off the list. This float can be hit and miss by mid-summer. It may be too low one day, but with a little rain it can be fine. Before going, check the river level at American Whitewater or on the RiverApp. I tend to check both. Bu...

Floating the Little Missouri from the Narrows Dam

We have reached that part of the Summer where floatable rivers can be a little hard to find. Outside of the lower Buffalo and a few others, most of the popular rivers get too low without any rain. That leaves us with the spring-fed rivers of northern AR and southern MO, and several dam-fed rivers flowing from lakes. Examples of these would be the Little Red, lower Caddo and lower Ouachita, which I have written about. And last weekend, I learned all about floating the Little Missouri from the Narrows Dam at Lake Greeson. Floatable rivers may be a little hard to find this time of year, and whitewater is even harder. But when the Narrows Dam starts releasing water into the Little Missouri River, buckle up and hang on! No, I don’t mean crazy rafting whitewater like you might see in Color...

Tyler Bend to Gilbert Float on the Buffalo River

I have seen a lot of requests lately asking what is the best float for beginners. I have seen this asked in various social media groups and been asked several times directly. There are a lot of great floats in our state that are great for beginners. And maybe one day I’ll devote a whole article to that list. But there’s one float that comes to mind that I recommend more than any other. The Tyler Bend to Gilbert float on the Buffalo River is, in my opinion, the best float for a first time or novice paddler. Why is that? I’m glad you asked. It’s a combination of several reasons. First, it’s an easy float that is safe for beginners. But it also has beautiful scenery, and enough swift water to make it fun. Next, it’s location makes it the quickest on the Buf...

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