
Hiking the Kings Bluff Loop

Sometimes you just need a do-over. The third article I ever wrote for my blog was for a hike to Kings Bluff Falls. I did that hike years before I ever knew I would have an outdoors blog. I didn’t research the hike or even really know what to expect. We just showed up and hiked to the falls and back, not even knowing what else was out there. That was the case for several of my early articles, but this one only had a few pictures and no video! There’s so much more to hiking the Kings Bluff Loop than I covered the first time. So I think this hike deserves a do-over. After that first visit, I made a return trip there and hiked the Pedestal Rocks Loop. Both hikes are really one big loop, but you can hike them separately. The rock formations at Pedestal Rocks are amazing. It wasnR...

Hike to Pedestal Rocks

Well, here we are in the middle of Summer – the dog days. Most of the rivers are really low for floating. Most of the waterfalls are just a trickle, if not dry. And man, is it HOT! If you don’t have a pool, or a boat for enjoying the lake, don’t worry. There are still some fun things to do outdoors. Even in the low rivers, there are still some swimming holes out there. So why not do a hike and swim? During another sweltering summer a few years ago, some friends and I did exactly that with a hike to Pedestal Rocks. You may be thinking “wait a minute…Pedestal Rocks doesn’t have a swimming hole. It doesn’t have any water at all!” You would be correct. It doesn’t. But just 13 minutes down the road is the ever-popular swimming hole at Fallin...

Hike to Kings Bluff Falls

Welcome back!  This is Part 2 of a series of my first Ozark Waterfall hikes. This is the second stop on a day trip spent hiking in the Big Piney Forest near Pelsor.  If you missed it, Part 1 was the first leg of our day trip at Haw Creek Falls. So be sure to check that out for more info, maps, and pics. Our next stop that day was a hike to Kings Bluff Falls. Directions From Haw Creek, this was a backtrack to Hwy 7. (North on Hwy 7 past Dover to the Sand Gap/Pelsor area). At the intersection at Pelsor Post Office you take a right on Hwy 16 towards Ben Hur. See Google map below for directions to this and Falling Water Falls (Part 3). You will see a sign on the right for Pedestal Rocks / Kings Bluff Falls. Once you park, you’ll find the two trail heads are pretty close togethe...

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